Thursday, November 02, 2006

Photo Journalism Project Outtakes

Here are some things I did and liked but didn't use while working on projects for my photo-journalism class.

Coffee at Brats
Here is a detail shot I set up at Brats restaurant for my weekly layout assignment. I was really feeling this photo but ultimately I decided it looked too much like a detail in the vertical shot I used in my layout. I scrapped it for a weaker shot.

Farmer's Market Pig
This is an overall shot I was hoping I could use for another weekly layout assignment. I got to the market pretty early and there weren't too many customers while I was there. I like this shot but with no 'living' subject, it doesn't really tell any story.


Ryan said...

I love the coffee shot. You did a great job with light. Looks like a studio table top. Very nice!

tovar. said...

i dig the coffee commercial

p h o t o m a n y said...

Concrete pigs muggin' the camera will forever make me giggle ...can I have a copy of this one?

Hamilton Chesson said...

Hey Hoj, I think that your outtakes idea is a really solid one. Kind of like the blooper reel on a DVD or something. Your coffee shot is really nice, great light, pity you didn't use it for the layout.